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Rogelio Olmedo - Conversaciones con rinocerontes

Gerhardt Braun Gallery is pleased to invite you to the next opening on Friday 18th of October at 20:00 pm at Gerhardt Braun Gallery – Art Lab, Calle Sant Feliu n.17.

Rogelio Olmedo, acclaimed Aragonese sculptor for his iconic animals on red heels, will present under the title “Conversaciones con rinocerontes” his new exhibition.

Portraits of humanized rhinos, the artist continues experimenting with water and ink. Polished aluminium casting sculptures. This exhibition deals with the passage of time, love, struggle and adaptation.

  • 18.10.2019 - 18.12.2019
    Ausstellung »
    Gerhardt Braun Gallery »

    Ort: Ibiza Stadt
    Location: „B12 THE GALLERY“, Calle Antonio Planells Ferrer No.1,
    Vernissage: Leon Löwentraut – Iconic
    Opening: 21 Uhr


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  • Rogelio Olmedo - Conversaciones con rinocerontes
    Gerhardt Braun Gallery
  • Rogelio Olmedo - Conversaciones con rinocerontes
    Gerhardt Braun Gallery