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Drawings and Illustrations by Jan Preisler (1872–1918) in Volné směry periodical

The works on display that contributed to the radicalisation of Czech art and were oriented towards European modernism come from the large collection of Jan Preisler’s drawings. Moreover, they were published in the art monthly Volné směry which introduced the public to the ideas of the Mánes Association of Fine Artists.

Curator: Zuzana Novotná

Graphic Cabinet, Trade Fair Palace, 4th Floor

  • 15.11.2019 - 10.02.2020
    Ausstellung »
    Nationalgalerie Prag »

    Januar – Dezember Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa, So 10.00 – 18.00

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    Drawings and Illustrations by Jan Preisler (1872–1918)
    Nationalgalerie Prag