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Cubist Drawings by Otto Gutfreund

The cabinet shows the drawings of the Czech sculptor Otto Gutfreund (1889–1927), a member of the Group of Fine Artists. The drawings represented in his work the border between fine art and preparatory studies in which he captured creative topics that he also developed in his sculptures. The human figure was the sculptor’s main topic that he subjected to Cubist style shape deformations during 1910–1914.

Curator: Petra Kolářová

Graphic Cabinet, Trade Fair Palace, 4th Floor

  • 15.11.2019 - 10.02.2020
    Ausstellung »
    Nationalgalerie Prag »

    Januar – Dezember Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa, So 10.00 – 18.00

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  • Cubist Drawings by Otto Gutfreund
    Cubist Drawings by Otto Gutfreund
    Nationalgalerie Prag