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Studio 111 Brooklyn hosted a group show of NYC artists. Patti Astor, the founder of FUN GALLERY, was also present as a special guest.

Judy Rifka's paintings were exhibited alongside artworks by Pierre Jean Baptiste, Ronald Bianco, Danny Cortes, Ori Carino, COSE, DELTA 2, Al Diaz, DUKE9, Julian Gardair, Joseph Guillette, Rich Fie, Tim Kent, Valeri Larko, Hayley Martell, Mike Mills, Eric Orr, Amy Regalia, Judy Rifka, Leia Sands, Michael Saviello, Albert Sqambati, SNAKE-1, Jim Tozzi, Omar Villegas & Melanie Vote.

"At the first group show at the Mudd Club I was arrested by a gray painting with a little red blob in it and some drawing on it of Patti Astor from her starring role as Vickie in the movie Underground USA. The application of the ground and the way that little red spot was laid on was obviously the work of an extremely sophisticated handler of paint. Although I’d never seen a Judy Rifka of this type the outline of the red left me in no doubt as to its author. There was no visible label and on inquiry I saw I was right. Hers is the poetry of New York. The joy in her new work, the reveling in these characters she creates superimposed on her earlier work, demonstrates that her concerns have dovetailed my own temporary ones: that a picture is only as interesting as its storyline. The Patti Astor iconography is supreme. One must become the iconic representation of oneself in this town." - Rene Ricard, "The Radiant Child" for ARTFORUM

  • 20.05.2022 - 22.05.2022
    Ausstellung »


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  • Judy Rifka at Studio 111 Brooklyn, May 2022
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