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OPENING TOMORROW Nana Mandl never enough | Galerie Kandlhofer

In never enough, Nana Mandl presents a visually expansive and materially rich series of works that delves into the complexities of modern motherhood, digital culture, and self-representation. Through her intricate, multi-layered collages—composed of fabric, digitally printed textiles, embroidery, and drawing—Mandl invites us to explore what lies beneath the surface.

Central to Mandl’s work is her exploration of materials. Textiles, historically linked to female artistry, become a platform where contradictions and ambiguities play out. The fabric is both medium and metaphor for the societal pressures and personal identities that weave together in the experience of motherhood. Sourcing inspiration online and mining her digital archive, Mandl seeks images that resonate - through content, colour, silhouette or instinct.

  • 25.10.2024 - 22.11.2024
    Ausstellung »
    Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer »

    Dienstag-Freitag: 11 - 18 Uhr

    Samstag: 11 - 16 Uhr

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  • Installation View, Nana Mandl, never enough, 2024 (photo courtesy of the artist)
    Installation View, Nana Mandl, never enough, 2024 (photo courtesy of the artist)
    Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer