Sattle Art Fair 2015
Messe30.07.2015 - 02.08.2015
New Yor k and Seattle, May 6 , 2015 – Art Market Productions and Vulcan Inc. , co producers of the Seattle Art Fair , announce the exhibitors and cult ural programs for the inaugural event to be held July 30 – August 2, 2015 at the CenturyLink Field Event Center in Seattle, Washington. The Seattle Art Fair will feature 50 leading local, regional, and internation al agalleries presenting top tier modern and contemporary art. Site specific art installations created for the fair by artists from around the world will be place d in select locations throughout the city. The fair will also highlight the Pacific Rim, with Asian galler ies presenting the best of the region’s contemporary artwork.
* Adelson Galleries (New York), Ameringer | McEnery | Yohe (New York), Catharine Clark Gallery (San Francisco), Charlie James Gallery (Los Angeles) Danese/Corey (New York) , Donald Ellis Gallery (New York), Elizabeth Leach Gallery (Portland), G. Gibson Gallery (Seattle ), Gallery 1 6 (San Francis c o) , Gallery Jones (Vancouver) , Gana Art (Seoul), Greg Kucera Gallery (Seattle) , James Cohan Gallery (New York), James Harris Gallery (Seattle), Jonathan Ferrara Gallery (New Or l eans), Kaikai Kiki (Tokyo ), Mariane Ibrahim Gallery (Seattle), Maxwell Davidson Gallery (New York), Mindy Solomon Gallery (Miami) , Monte Clark Gallery (Vancouver), Nancy Hoffman Gallery (New York) , PACE (New York), Paul Kasmin Gallery (New York), PDX Contemporary (Portland) , Platform Gallery ( Seattle ), PUNCH Gallery (Seattle), Ryan Lee Gal lery (New York), Sasha Wolf Gallery (New York), SEASON (Seattle), Tyler Rollins Fine Art (New York), Upfor (Portland), Winston Wächter Fine Art (Seattle/New York), Woodside/Braseth Gallery (Seattle), Zurcher Gallery (New York/Paris) . *Li st in formation .
Horst und Wolfgang Szaal über die Entwicklung der Galerie Szaal im Spiegel der Jahrzehnte In...
30.07.2015 - 02.08.2015Messe »
Seattle Art Fair Location & Hours CenturyLink Field Event Center 800 Occidental Ave S., Seattle WA 98134
Preview Benefiting Artist Trust Thursday, July 30, 6 p.m. 10 p.m.
Fair Hours Friday, July 3 1, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Saturday, August 1, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sunday, August 2, 12 noon – 6 p.m.