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  • Messe
    20.03.2017 - 26.03.2017
    artweek.pro »

The theme of exhibition in this year responds to complicated events and situation in contemporary world. Organizers hope that presented works will be far from politics and wars. Art could be the factor, which unite and incarnate cultural wealth and high moral standards. These characteristics could be a strong base for return to peaceful path and unity for Russia, Europe and Asia.

NextArt Foundation invites emerging and established artists to participate in the International Exhibition & Competition of Contemporary Arts "Euro-Asian Art Week" for the 2017 spring season. zastavki where Long-awaited and unique event in Art World XXII International Fair & Competition of Contemporary Arts "Russian ART WEEK International" (RAWI) will be held in Moscow from 20 to 26 March 2017 at the popular art space - Moscow House of Artists (Moscow, Kuznetsky Most str., 11).

Euro-Asian Art Week unites many talented artists as from Europe, China and Russia and CIS. Euro-Asian Art Week - great variety of artworks more than from 20 countries all over the world. It is an intensive workshops programme. It is a professional evaluation by many specialists from Russia and other foreign countries. It is a unique creative atmosphere and joyful meeting with creation.

  • 20.03.2017 - 26.03.2017
    Messe »
    artweek.pro »

    Dates: 20-26 March, 2017.
    Address: Moscow House of Artists
    (Moscow, Kuznetsky Most str., 11)

    The exhibition is open daily from 11.00 to 20.00..

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