Est Art Fair 2014
Est Art Fair announces the participating galleries and the cura- torial program for its first edition. 35 international galleries from 9 countries will be present at the fair, which will feature a strong curatorial program. The first edition of Est Art Fair – International Contemporary Art Fair will take place in Estoril, Portugal, from the July 10 to July 13, 2014.
Announced in May 2013, the Est Art project, was created with the purpose of launching an international contemporary art show in Portugal—happening every year at the end of the Art Fairs’ season.
Est Art Fair 2014 venue of choice is the Estoril Congress Center. On the July 10 will be the Preview (by invitation only) the two following days, Friday 11, and Saturday 12, Est Art Fair will be open between 3:30 and 9 pm. On Sunday the closing time will be at 8 pm.
For its first edition, our Fair will count with the participation of over 35 Galleries coming from up to 9 different countries (Bra- zil, Colombia, France, Germany, México, Portugal, Spain, the UK, and the US). These galleries will be present as exhibitors, or pre- senting Solo Projects. Additionally, the Fair will have an extensive Curatorial Program, which includes the exhibition “Drawing the World”, presenting 9 artworks by essential artists, coming from 9 countries, in an international and comprehensive perspective. Focusing on “Drawing”, in its widest sense, as the primary theme of Est Art Fair 2014, we will emphasize it as a practice crossing over multiple art mediums, and constituting some of the most flexible artistic practices. The theme will also be developed by our curatorial projects and proposed to all Galleries participat- ing in this year’s edition.
Drawing will have a strong presence at Est Art Fair first edition, and will be showcased in the multiple and diverse formats in which it is present in current artistic practices. As a practice, Drawing is common to both the conceptual domain and more day-to-day, long-established practices, proving to be a trans- cultural field. Finally, in times as complex as our own, drawing is used almost as a form of resistance by the artists, being simul- taneously close to modes of thinking and easily spread.
Est Art Fair 2014 will also give particular emphasis to its large Curatorial and Conference Program, which will constitute a dif- ferent approach on how to build an art fair/show with an at- tractive profile and content.
1. EST ART FAIR 2014, Sections
∙ Exhibitors (Internacional Galleries)
∙ Exhibition “Drawing the World” (curatorial)
∙ “Solo Projects” (curatorial)
∙ Artists’ books , “Library of Celsus”
∙ Art Talks:
. Drawing
. Collecting Drawing
. Curating Drawing
. Artists Books
AdHoc Galeria | Vigo
Galerie Air de Paris | Paris
Galerie Barbara Thumm | Berlin
Galeria Belo-Galsterer | Lisboa
Carlos Carvalho - Arte Contemporânea | Lisboa
Casa Triângulo | São Paulo
Galeria Casas Riegner | Bogota
Christopher Grimes Gallery | Santa Monica | CA
Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art | Lisboa
Galería Formato Cómodo | Madrid
Galeria Fernando Santos | Porto
Galeria Filomena Soares | Lisboa
Galeria Fonseca Macedo - Arte Contemporânea | Ponta Del- gada | Açores
Galería F2 (ex Fúcares) | Madrid
Galeria Graça Brandão | Lisboa
Galerie Gregor Podnar | Berlin
Galeria Jaqueline Martins | São Paulo
João Esteves de Oliveira - Galeria de Arte Moderna e Contem- porânea | Lisboa
Galería Juan Silió | Santander
Kurimanzutto | Ciudad de México
MaisterraValbuena | Madrid
Malborough Contemporary | London
Módulo – Centro Difusor de Arte | Lisboa
Moises Perez de Albeniz | Madrid
Nara Roesler | São Paulo
Galería Nuble | Santander
Galeria Pedro Cera | Lisboa
Galeria Pedro Oliveira | Porto
Galeria Presença | Porto
Galeria Quadrado Azul | Porto
Galeria Rafael Ortiz | Sevilla
Schleicher/Lange | Berlin
Vera Cortês Art Agency | Lisboa
Galeria Vermelho | São Paulo
This emphasis on Drawing, in its widest sense, is the organising concept of Est Art Fair curatorial area, and also a challenge pre- sented to all participating galleries.
“Drawing”, in its widest sense, is a practice that crosses over multiple art mediums, and constitutes some of the most flexible artistic practices. As such, it will be showcased in the multiple and diverse formats in which it is present in current artistic practices.
As a practice, Drawing is common to both the conceptual field and more day-to-day, long-established practices, proving to be a transcultural field. Finally, in times as complex as our own, draw- ing is used almost as a form of resistance by the artists, being simultaneously close to modes of thinking and easily spread.
These are the reasons why Est Art Fair decided this discipline as the underlying theme proposed to the galleries, and to be devel- oped within the context of the curatorial projects.
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