Galerie ERNST
Galerie ERNST HILGER , Art37Basel 14. – 18. Juni 06
Ausstellung14.06.2006 - 18.06.2006
We are proud to announce our continous participation at
Art37Basel 14. – 18. Juni 06 Stand/booth A2
Massimo Vitali
Der 1944 in Como geborene Fotograf studierte klassische Malerei in Mailand und London. Seit 25 Jahren widmet er sich ausschließlich der Fotografie. Auf fuenf Meter hohen Podesten oder Leitern stehend fotografiert Massimo Vitali seine Landsleute an Straenden, in Discos und Einkaufszentren, auf Festen und Flughaefen. Er orientiert sich bewusst an Historienmalern vergangener Jahrhunderte. Ausstellungen mit Massimo Vitalis großformatigen Massenbildern vermitteln dem Betrachter die Hitze am Strand ebenso wie das froehliche Gedraenge bei Festen.
# 2221 dyptichon, 2006
C-print/diasec on alu Ed 6, 180 x 150 cm
Massimo Vitali
The photographer was born in Como in 1944 and studied classical painting in Milan and London. He has been working exclusively in photography for 25 years. Massimo Vitali stands on platforms or ladders 5 metres high and photographs his fellow-countrymen and -women on beaches, in discos and shopping centres, at parties and airports. He deliberately bases his perception on history painters of past centuries. Exhibitions with Massimo Vitali's large-format pictures of massed groups transport to the viewer the heat on the beach just as much as the gay jostle of a party.
Hubert Schmalix
Mit eigener Hand gemalt #5, 2006
Oil on canvas, 175x130cm Hubert Schmalix
einer der Hauptvertreter der so genannten „Neuen Wilden“, die ab Ende der Siebziger Jahre mit ihrer expressiven Malweise dem Kunstmarkt voellig neue Impulse gaben - geht bereits in seinen fruehen Arbeiten vom Gegenstaendlichen aus. Seine Motive sind die klassischen Bildthemen wie Stillleben, Portraits, Landschafts- und Aktdarstellungen. Der Kuenstler beschaeftigt sich wild-expressiv mit der gegenstaendlichen Welt und mit dem menschlichen Bild, wobei sich in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Ruhe und Tiefe in seinen Arbeiten findet. Sein diffiziles Gespuer für die Nuancierung von Farbe und Komposition zeigt er mit seiner Affinitaet zur sinnlichen Malerei, in der sich die Elemente des Gestischen, Expressiven, Mythischen und Ornamentalen vereinen.
Hubert Schmalix
one of the leading representatives of the so called „Neue Wilden“ – the New Wild Gang - who from the late seventies onwards gave the art market a whole new boost with their expressive style of painting – started out by taking a representational approach even his early works. His motifs are the classic genres of still life, portraits, landscapes and nudes. The artist has a wild and expressive mode of addressing the objective world and the human image, though in recent years ever more serenity and depth have found their way into his work. He manifests his subtle feeling for the nuances of colour and composition in his affinity to sensuous painting, in which the elements of gesture, expression, myth and ornament unite.
John Gerrard
A portrait to smile for a single day of every year. This day, February 1st, is of the models own choosing. Originally derived from a 3D scan this work in realtime 3d could be described as a sculptural photograph, an amalgam of photographic information in three dimensions overlapping with the arenas of painting and sculpture. The artist has described this new form as an ‘image object’. In the work the sitter (a friend of the artist) is placed in a simple room. Light streams in through a curtain to the left. The quality of this light changes over the course of day and night. Using a sculptural presentation device in corian plastic the public can look around the portrait by turning the screen on which it is shown. Portrait to Smile Once a Year (Mary)
2006 5+2 A/P
Hilger contemporary at Art37Basel
Booth A2
June 14 - 18, 2006
Further artists at Art37Basel:
Daniele Buetti, Oliver Dorfer, Erró, Flavio Favelli, John Gerrard, Anton Henning (works from 1989-92), Alfred Hrdlicka, Anastasia Khoroshilova, Jiri Kolar, Andreas Leikauf, Angel Marcos, Brian McKee, Julie Monaco, Josef Felix Müller, Hermann Nitsch, Mel Ramos, Mimmo Rotella, Hubert Schmalix, Hans Staudacher, Massimo Vitali, Leo Zogmayer.