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Juan Uslé, Línea Dolca 2008-2018, Irrefrenable

Juan Usle’s fourth solo exhibition at Galerie Thomas Schulte, Línea Dolca 2008 – 2018, Irrefrenable presents an extensive selection of photos, alongside small-scale paintings, spanning ten years of the artist’s career. As part of Uslé’s rich personal archive of images, the photos find coherence through intimate, close-cropped views, angles and framings, which capture subtle, often abstract details from the artist’s encounters and environments, both natural and architectural, private and public. In paintings of similar scale, colors and textures appear distilled from such moments—as essences rather than direct correspondences. Taken as a whole, this body of work highlights Uslé’s long-standing preoccupation with exploring his surroundings through the lens of the camera, and the abstract painterly language that emerges in dialogue with it.

  • 21.01.2021 - 27.02.2021
    Ausstellung »
    Galerie Thomas Schulte »

    Kontakt für Informationen über die Galerie und die Kunstwerke:

    Galerie Thomas Schulte l Tel: +49 (0)30 20 60 89 90 l E-Mail: mail@galeriethomasschulte.de www.galeriethomasschulte.de l Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag – Samstag, 12.00 – 18.00 Uhr

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    Galerie Thomas Schulte