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Sylvestre Gauvrit


Sylvestre Gauvrit

Step into a realm where sculptures become sacred vessels, guiding you on a profound journey of introspection and awe. “Whispers of Forms" invites you to embrace the hallowed space between art and observer, where the power of silence reigns supreme. Within this exhibition, each sculptural piece speaks volumes without uttering a word, beckoning you to delve into the recesses of your own mind. These ethereal creations, infused with the essence of consciousness, evoke a mental intimacy that resonates deep within your being.

As you stand before these evocative works, a transcendent connection is forged, transcending the boundaries of time and space. The paradoxes of life unfold before your eyes, beautifully encapsulated in these awe-inspiring forms. Through the gentle philosophy of Wuwei, the art of non-doing, these sculptures embody a harmonious balance, teaching us the art of surrender and the beauty of stillness. In the sacred silence between the artwork and the observer, a profound conversation takes place, one that transcends language and embraces the unspoken realm of the soul. In this sacred space, art becomes prayer, offering solace and solitudes once sought in ancient rituals. The transformative power of these sculptures invites you to immerse yourself in a sanctuary of contemplation, where your spirit is rejuvenated and your consciousness expanded. Join us on this voyage of self-discovery, where the sculptures of “Whispers of Forms" illuminate the path to inner serenity, embracing the significance of silence, mental intimacy, and the profound connection between art and the human spirit.

  • 21.07.2023 - 31.10.2023
    Ausstellung »
    Gerhardt Braun Gallery »

    Gerhardt Braun Gallery
    Galería Nueva
    Calle del Doctor Fourquet, 10
    28012 Madrid

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