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Peggy Guggenheim


Peggy Guggenheim

In October 2012, eighty works of Italian, European, and American art of the decades after 1945 were added to the collections of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in Venice. The paintings, sculptures, and works on paper, which will reside permanently at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, are the bequest of Hannelore B. Schulhof, who collected the works with her late husband Rudolph B. Schulhof.

Hannelore SchulhofHannelore and Rudolph Schulhof shared with Peggy Guggenheim, whom they met in 1954 at the Venice Biennale and whom they admired as a kindred spirit, the conviction that they should collect the art of their own time, and they did so with a passion comparable to hers. Afro, Alberto Burri, Alexander Calder, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Eduardo Chillida, Tony Cragg, Ellsworth Kelly, Willem de Kooning, Lucio Fontana, Jean Dubuffet, Jasper Johns, Donald Judd, Anish Kapoor, Mark Rothko, Frank Stella, Antoni Tàpies, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, are some of the artists whose works are in the donation. When added to the Cubist, abstract, Surrealist, and early American Abstract Expressionist art in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and to Peggy own purchases of post-war art, the reach of the Venice museum will be extended into the 1970s and even 1980s.

Hannelore Schulhof grew up in pre-War Germany, which she left shortly before the outbreak of World War II. She was joined by her Czech-born fiancé Rudolph Schulhof in Brussels, where they married. From there they travelled together to the United States. The Schulhofs were praised as collectors from the 1960s for the refinement and discernment with which they brought together art from both the European and North American continents. Celebrated benefactors of the arts, each of them served on numerous museum boards and foundations, including CIMAM and the American Federation of Arts. Mr. Schulhof was a trustee of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation from 1993 until his death in 1999, while Mrs. Schulhof was a Charter (Founding) Member of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection Advisory Board in 1980, until her death, on February 23, 2012.

  • 17.05.2013 - 16.09.2013
    Ausstellung »
    Peggy Guggenheim Collection »

    Opening hours
    Daily 10 am - 6 pm
    Closed Tuesdays and December 25

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  • The Schulhof Collection catalogue is available at the Peggy Guggenhiem Collection Museum Shops. (English edition, hard cover 25 x 28 cm, 176 pp., color illustrations, 49 euros) (c) guggenheim-venice.it
    The Schulhof Collection catalogue is available at the Peggy Guggenhiem Collection Museum Shops. (English edition, hard cover 25 x 28 cm, 176 pp., color illustrations, 49 euros) (c) guggenheim-venice.it
    Peggy Guggenheim Collection
  • Hannelore B. Schulhof (c) guggenheim-venice.it
    Hannelore B. Schulhof (c) guggenheim-venice.it
    Peggy Guggenheim Collection