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Phillips’ New Now: Modern & Contemporary Art Sale Realises Over £3 Million

New Auction Records Were Set for Leonard Baby, Christopher Page, Yves Zurstrassen, and Blek le Rat

London, 19 March 2024

Sale Total: £3,424,174 / $4,258,988 / €4,000,462

Charlotte Gibbs, Head of New Now, London, said, “We are very pleased with our sale total of over £3 million. It was wonderful to see such spirited international bidding, with over 50 countries participating on the phone, online, and in the saleroom. Wade Guyton led the top ten alongside fantastic pieces by Invader, Eddie Martinez, and Francis Alÿs. The enthusiasm for Guyton’s U Sculpture (V. 5) propelled it past the £60,000 high estimate to an impressive £203,200. We were proud of the four world auction records achieved, including the result for Leonard Baby. We look forward to our next Modern & Contemporary Art sales, which will take place in New York on 14 & 15 May.”

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Führung durch die

  • Modern & Contemporary Art Sale Realises Over £3 Million
    Modern & Contemporary Art Sale Realises Over £3 Million
    Phillips Auctioneers
  • Lot 37 	  Wade Guyton, U Sculpture (V. 5), 2007, £203,200
    Lot 37 Wade Guyton, U Sculpture (V. 5), 2007, £203,200
    Phillips Auctioneers
  • Lot 149 	  Blek le Rat, Tango, 202, WORLD AUCTION RECORD £95,250
    Lot 149 Blek le Rat, Tango, 202, WORLD AUCTION RECORD £95,250
    Phillips Auctioneers
  • Lot 19 	  Invader, Bruce Lee 3D, 2015, £203,200
    Lot 19 Invader, Bruce Lee 3D, 2015, £203,200
    Phillips Auctioneers