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Drawing Hotel

Abat Carrages

  • Ausstellung
    26.01.2024 - 07.04.2024
    Drawing Hotel »
Drawing Hotel

Cécile Guettier draws inspiration from the Greek myth of Procustes for her carte blanche at the Drawing Hotel. The exhibition "Abat-carrages" explores the concept of "abat-carrer," replacing sharp edges with flat surfaces in leather. Guettier's characters contort around the frame, evoking bodily liberation without exceeding it, becoming a metaphor for thought, offering an ambivalent vision resonating with the ancestral myth.

  • 26.01.2024 - 07.04.2024
    Ausstellung »
    Drawing Hotel »


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    Cécile Guettier, Il y souffle un vent terrible, 2021, 220 x 140 cm, mixed media on canvas, courtesy of the artist
    Drawing Hotel