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The Frick Collection - Art Treasures from New York

The Frick Collection is beautifully situated in the heart of New York, with a view on Central Park. It is a cherished museum, famous for the high quality of its collection. This spring, for the first time, The Frick Collection is lending a large part of its world-class collection: no fewer than 36 masterpieces can be admired at the Mauritshuis starting 5 February.

The exhibition includes work by artists otherwise not or barely represented in Dutch museum collections, such as Cimabue, Van Eyck, Gainsborough, Constable, and Ingres.

A publication will accompany the exhibition, with full-page pictures of all artworks, complemented by a clear art historical explanation and a short description situating the works in the context of the collection history of The Frick. The catalogue part of the publication will be preceded by two in-depth essays.

The first essay, authored by Margaret Iacono, Assistant Curator of The Frick Collection, looks at Henry Clay Frick as an art collector and the history of the museum. The second essay, penned by Lea van der Vinde, curator of the Mauritshuis, focuses on the spectacular collector's obsession which engrossed the richest in America in the period around 1900; a special period in American history, in which Frick played an important role. This practical catalogue will be published by Waanders Uitgeverij, in Dutch and English versions.

  • 05.02.2015 - 10.05.2015
    Ausstellung »
    Mauritshuis »

    Ticket Prices

    Adults €14

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