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The 33rd Chelsea International Fine Art Competition Exhibition

  • Ausstellung
    14.08.2018 - 25.08.2018
    Agora Gallery »

The Chelsea International Fine Art Competition is an ideal way to gain valuable exposure for your artwork and exhibit your talent to a wider international audience. With a distinguished panel of jurors and more than $70,000 in valuable prizes, the 2018 Chelsea International Fine Art Competition is an event not to be missed.

The competition is open to visual artists from around the world at any stage of their careers. Artists are invited to submit in any of the following mediums: painting, sculpture, photography, drawing, mixed media, and print. Art submitted to the competition will be reviewed by a panel of expert jurors, each representing a different field in the art world, ensuring a fair and balanced judgment process.

“The Chelsea International Fine Art Competition is one of the most established prominent international competition today. Juried by a panel of experts in the contemporary art world, the competition provides artists working in all media an opportunity to be seen and to possibly be showcased in the most relevant art market in the world. Come join our family of artists and share your work with art experts who recognize real talent when they see it!” -Angela Di Bello, Executive Director, Agora Gallery

  • 14.08.2018 - 25.08.2018
    Ausstellung »
    Agora Gallery »

    530 West 25th Street, New York, NY  Tue - Sat, 11am - 6pm

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    Agora Gallery
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    Agora Gallery
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    Agora Gallery