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Galerie Thomas Schulte

Juan Uslé / Centro de Iniciativas Culturales (CICUS), University of Seville, Spain

Galerie Thomas Schulte

De Luz y Sangre (Of Light and Blood) is the name of the exhibition project by Juan Uslé for CICUS. Devoted painter of the abstraction as he is (term understood as a personal determination to reduce things to their faintest essence or notion), painting and photography become again his fundamental instruments. The backbone of this show is constituted by paintings of large and small format along with photographs; either as part of overwhelming polyptychs that update the concept of altarpiece, arranged in a dialogue as silent as eloquent.

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  • Juan Uslé / Centro de Iniciativas Culturales (CICUS), University of Seville, Spain
    Juan Uslé / Centro de Iniciativas Culturales (CICUS), University of Seville, Spain
    Galerie Thomas Schulte