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Galerie Kandlhofer

FOCUS ON - SECTION Talar Aghbashian

Galerie Kandlhofer

About the artist: Born in Beirut in 1981, Talar Aghbashian lives and works in London UK. Aghbashian is primarily a painter, her works explore the human intervention within the landscape. Where her approach to both, painting and landscape is from a place of discovery. Her paintings, explore the human relationship to the landscape, and the projection of one onto the other.

Talar Aghbashian graduated from the Lebanese University of Fine Arts (BA) 1999-2003, Central St. Martins College of Art and Design London (MA) 2007-2008, and Birkbeck University of London 2009-2010. She was a recipient of AGBU grant NY, and Benlian Trust grant London, 2007-2008. Aghbashian has taught at different schools, and MUT University in Lebanon 2003-2007, and has worked as a curator at the NHM and the V&A Museums London 2009-2010.

  • 14.03.2024 - 06.04.2024
    Ausstellung »
    Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer »

    Tuesday- Friday: 11.00am - 7.00 pm
    Saturday: 11.00 am - 4pm

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    Talar Aghbashian, Paper Doll, 2023, Oil on Canvas, 101 x 76 cm, 39 3/4 x 29 7/8 in (photo courtesy of the artist)
    Galerie Lisa Kandlhofer