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11th ABSTRACT" International Juried Art Competition

  • Ausstellung
    31.01.2024 - 01.03.2024

TERAVARNA announces their "10th ABSTRACT" International Juried Art Competition. Artists with a keen eye for originality are encouraged to put their most compelling pieces on the unifying topic of abstraction to this unique occasion. The abstract art competition is open to contributions in a wide variety of creative disciplines, including but not limited to traditional media such as painting and sculpture, new media such as digital art, painting, fiber art, photography, graphic design, and mixed media, and even experimental and installation art. All are welcome to this celebration of the boundless possibilities of abstract art. Terms for Participation in Abstract Art Competition

The international juried art competition hosted by TERAVARNA revolves around the theme of ABSTRACT. Artists are free to interpret and represent the theme in their unique way. You should remember the following criteria:

Both figurative and abstract ideas related to the overall theme will be considered.

Artists can submit their artworks in any media or artistic form.

Please note that participants must be at least 18 to participate in our events.

For detailed submission guidelines and further information about abstract art contests, please refer to the sections below.

Category for Abstract Art Competition 2024

​​All types of visual arts will be considered for the abstract art competition 2024, including but not limited to Painting & Mixed Media, Photography & Digital, and Sculpture & 3D Installation.

The deadline for abstract art competition submission is January 31st, 2024.


Up to $3,500 in cash prizes will be given out to winning artists. **

The grant money will be unrestricted and may be used in any manner by the recipient artist. Depending on the number and quality of artworks submitted, the following prizes will be considered:​​

First Prize Award | $300-$500

Runner-Up Prize Award | $150-$350

Merit Prize Award | $75-$250

Talent Prize Award | $25-$150

Honorable Mention Award

Finalist Award
*** All cash prizes are given out via PayPal. If you don't have a free PayPal account, you can get one here..

How to Apply

STEP 1: Choose the number of artworks you'd like to submit​ from one of the options below.

STEP 2: Click on the number of artworks and proceed to make a payment. You can pay by PayPal or via credit card. ​

STEP 3: After successful payment, you'll be redirected to a page where you can upload your images and other details.​

NOTE: If you have any issues with your image submissions, please email us at info@teravarna.com and we'll promptly get back to you.



  • 31.01.2024 - 01.03.2024
    Ausstellung »


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