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Braun Gallery

Heiner Meyer RESET

Braun Gallery

GERHARDT BRAUN GALLERY MADRID - Calle Claudio Coello 72, 28001 Madrid

Heiner Meyer's paintings are characterized by consequence and non-dogmatic character, as well as the principles of sull'Arte, a discipline whose main theme is art itself. In his works, he overlays quotations and adaptations from the most diverse origins, demonstrating the simultaneity of inequalities. Sculptures from the classical Greek period, portraits of movie stars from the 1950s, Mickey Mouse and other comic figures, butterflies, dice... are recurring pieces of Meyer's variety of images, quoted in new constellations and confrontations. This subjective iconography is reconstituted from one image to the next, there is no connecting or even binding scheme. Meyer's art is always a new creation -it never repeats itself- his visual vocabulary declines and conjugates itself differently in each work. The artist never succumbs to the suggestion of his pre-images, i.e. the images that were created before the present one, whether the stars of ancient mythology or the stars of Hollywood are quoted from a relativising distance. Their aura will be transformed not worshipped! From this distance to his subject matter, Meyer gains the absolute freedom of his paintings, in which the sublime appears alongside the trivial, the past alongside the present, the realistic alongside the abstract, the elitist alongside the popular.


Gerhardt Braun Gallery will open its doors on Friday, March 1st at 7.30 p.m. at Calle Claudio Coello 72, 28001 Madrid.

  • 01.03.2024 - 31.05.2024
    Ausstellung »
    Gerhardt Braun Gallery »

    Gerhardt Braun Gallery
    Galería Nueva
    Calle del Doctor Fourquet, 10
    28012 Madrid

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    Gerhardt Braun Gallery